Photography workshop

Learn or perfect your photography style in our Wildlife, Landscape or Astro photography workshops ranging from half a day to 3 days.

Wildlife Photography Workshop in the Paris Saclay area, Vallée de Chevreuse, France

Guided adventures

If a 3 days workshop isn’t enough for you and you feel like you need this fresh air of adventure, the Guided Adventures are made for you. Ranging from 5 days to 4 weeks, these trips will be guided tours where you will enjoy the teachings in both wildlife, landscape and astro photography.

Whaling tour in Québec (2018).

Guided expeditions

Is you feel serious about a huge trip ranging from two weeks up to 2 months, in total autonomy, far from any rescue services in the total wilderness, Guided Expeditions might be made for you. Please note that for these trips, multiple meetings and common trainings will have to be made prior to departure date.

Guiding an Influencer on a Canoe Trip across the Yukon (Canada)