Wildlife photography workshop in Paris Saclay area (Vallée de Chevreuse, France) 2021 © Elias Neil Benleulmi

Want to improve your photography skills? Learn how to look for and track animals, or maybe you’d rather want to learn how to find northern lights, or improve your photography basics, or maybe even learn the principles of fine art printing?
The photography workshop is made for you!
Available both online and in-person (in France), I will help you improve your photography skills towards full autonomy.

GIVE A MAN a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for his life time.”

Please note that the workshop sessions are a different product than the wildlife photography tours in France (Deer rut, Seals, Kingfishers, etc)

Pleas include regional code (ex: +1 for US and Canada; +33 for France etc)